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Children flourish when they feel valued, safe, secure and happy. Much emphasis is placed on children’s wellbeing to ensure that they get the most out of their school experience.

At the heart of Heathfield House School lies a well-developed pastoral system. The school ethos is based upon ‘The Keys to Success’ which are the characteristics required to lead successful, fulfilling lives. Across the school, a growth mindset is developed within children. This is done by giving children the opportunity to experience new challenges, reviewing ways to approach problems and fostering resilience.

In order for every child to reach their full potential, all lessons are carefully planned and differentiated. Lessons are designed to extend and challenge each individual. Children are supported through differentiation within the classroom, specialised provision and tailored support. Opportunities and support are provided for children to demonstrate and develop their particular talents and abilities such as extension clubs and competitions.

Pupils have the opportunity to participate in Pupil Voice on a weekly basis to discuss a wide range of topics about the School. This information is regularly passed on to the Management and Senior Leadership Team so that it can be discussed and actioned as appropriate. 

Weekly assemblies, performances and awards provide the opportunity for children’s successes and achievements to be recognised and celebrated. This is fundamental for developing children’s confidence and self-esteem. Weekly assemblies also give staff the opportunity to discuss key issues such as internet safety and stranger danger.

Children have a good understanding of who they can speak to if they have any concerns. There is a weekly ‘chat club’ run by a senior member of staff where children can discuss any concerns they may have. A senior member of staff meets with every child each term on a one to one basis to discuss their achievements and progress.

We have an established buddy system that develops links between year groups and helps children to feel part of the school community. Children are each members of a school house which further develops this sense of belonging within the school community. Charity events and fundraising allow children to support and be part of the wider community.

Year 6 children are given the opportunity to take on roles of responsibility such as House Captains, Prefects, Swimming Captains and Music Captains. These roles celebrate children’s talents as well as allowing them to demonstrate leadership, independence and maturity.